Where to Find US
Where to Find US
Where to find our products:
The Littlest Birds- Asheville Mall
ReVolve Vintage- 697 Haywood Rd. Asheville, NC
Old Edwards inn - Highlands, NC
Want to have our products in your establishment? Please email iris@irisfolkmedicinals.com
A few of Our favorites:
Hormone Intelligence by Aviva Romm
Botanical Medicine for Woman’s Health by Aviva Romm
Evolutionary Herbalism by Sajah Popham
Ashkenazi Herbalism by Adam Siegel and Deatra Cohen
Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses by Barbara Ehrenreich
The Healing Garden by Juliet Blankespoor
Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachia by Patricia Kyritsi Howell
The Cherokee Herbal by L.T. Garret
Herbalista Free Clinic- they provide free or by donation herbal education. Online and in person (Atlanta)
Evolutionary Herbalism Podcast- Great for continued learning or just starting.
Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine- this is the school I attended. They offer a wide range of classes and free online herbal recipes and resources.
Vermont center for Integrative Herbalism- great sliding scale online classes. I have taken quite a few of there offerings and love their teachers.
Evidence Based Birth-free online birthing information
Northeast School of Botanical medicine- 7song has a great blog with lots of Herbal information.
Herban Cura- Sliding Scale online classes -decolonizing herbal medicine.