Birth Doula
I was trained through DONA and Birthing Gently out of Boston. I would love to be able to join your family in this amazing transformative experience. I want to use this work to be available and advocate for all birthing people. If finances are something that are an obstacle please still free to email me. I do provide a sliding scale. I feel that all people deserve to have a doula or support if they need it. If interested I would love to set up an interview with you to see if we are a good fit. What I as a birth doula can provide for you:
Provide and a safe and calming birthing experience for you and your partner/family.
24 hour phone support during pregnancy.
I am a third party that is available to you all times during the birth.
Bring emotional and physical support during labor.
Able to provide knowledge and resources before, during and after labor.
Supporting your birth plan and also helping other staff around to honor your plan.
Help with positioning during birth.
Studies done on the positive impacts of having a doula:
postpartum sUPPORT
I am a DONA trained postpartum doula working towards full certification. I have been trained through Homegrown Families in Asheville, NC. With a background in herbal medicine, I am also able to provide a postpartum herbal consultation as well. Postpartum services can be virtual or in person. Book a consultation to see if we are a good fit.
Listens and advocates for what you want out of the fourth trimester
Provides your home with an extra helping hand
Supports parents and other family members
Offers moderate house cleaning and food preparation
Provides emotional postpartum support
Meets your family where they are at while figuring out your new routine
Aids in lactation and feeding
Acts as a non biased and non judgmental person to empower your choices
Meal plans for your family
Herbal consultations and products to help during postpartum
This service is a free or trade service. Abortion care is postpartum care. You deserve to be honored with love and support. Please contact me for a consultation or any questions about this service.
Offers comfortable emotional support before and/or after procedure.
Ensures accurate information around abortion procedures and state laws
Arranges transportation if needed
Provides community resources
Stands as a completely confidential and unbiased ally